…sometimes inspiration comes and finds you!

I love writing poetry, but it’s tough doing so sometimes. And this may sound like an excuse, but I really need to be inspired to write (which is why my poems are spread so far in between). When I try to force myself to write something, it never comes out right, but I have to work on that. Anywho, recently I got a Lyft and per usual, I placed my earphones in and sat back to enjoy the ride home. I noticed my driver was talking to me, so I paused my music and he handed me a book. He explained to me what to do with the book and instantly I thought, “wow, this is dope and very interesting!”

I could just be late and not hip, but the book was called the “One Page Blackout Poems”. You pick a page of the book, read the text and blackout and keep certain words to create a poem. So here is what I came up with (the original is below):

 I tiptoed


clothes all over the floor in the soggy night

as if the night air had gone moldy


drained of color

blood sucked out by the night

so see-through

marked with dark bruises


Thee Cutest Picture of Kanye…

When I saw this picture of Kanye West I automatically said Awww. I think he just looks adorable. He’s just very casual, nothing over the top and he’s cheesing with those chubby cheeks. I’ve always adored Kanye. I cropped out Big Sean and some random white guy…it is what it is :-p